Saturday, September 1, 2007

Extreme Storm : My Confined Space

Extreme Storm : My Confined Space

My New Ride

Well, we (me, Maddie, my brother & my mom) went to Texarkana to meet my dad, his wife, my Uncle Ralph and his wife Peggy. Pull into the Cattleman's Steak House parking lot and my jaw hit the floor. What a nice car! I'm still dumbfounded that my dad bought this car for us. I thought I wouldn't like it very much because I swore I'd only drive an SUV for the rest of my life because I like sitting higher up that way I can see who I'm running over - kidding! But I absolutely love this Lincoln. Every time I get in it, I love it a little more. We got the windows tinted. Makes a huge difference in the heat and the looks of it as well. So what do you think?

Yeah, there's a little damage on the front right bumper, but who cares? Not me.

My Posh Twin

Ever wondered how you'd look if you were born posh?

This looks fun: My Posh Twin
Would be even funner if I could get it to load. Maybe you'll have better luck.


Visual Recognition Memory

My scores:
Face Recognition: 82%
Object Recognition Memory: 100%
Verbal Recognition Memory: 92%

What all that means, I have no idea.

Neatorama » Blog Archive » Visual Recognition Memory

Hundreds of Rules Go Into Effect Today - Texas

Hundreds of rules go into effect today
Star-Telegram staff writer

AUSTIN -- If you drive, own a dog, have a gun, enjoy a beer, raise kids, say prayers or visit the doctor, listen up:

New rules go on the books today for you and just about every other Texan. Some will cost you money; others are designed to keep more cash in your pocket. Some are designed to give you more freedom, and others will demand more responsibility for those who wish to remain law-abiding Texans.

In all, about 650 statutes, passed by the Legislature in the session that ended in late May, are going into effect. Political analyst Harvey Kronberg, a close observer of the legislative process since the early 1980s, said the newest batch of laws is less the result of a mandate from last year's elections than it is the foreshadowing of upcoming political campaigns.

"In the House, most of the action was overshadowed by speaker politics," said Kronberg, publisher of the online Quorum Report, referring to the ill-fated challenge to House Speaker Tom Craddick, which is expected to carry over to the 2008 elections. "In the Senate, the thinking was that [Lt. Gov. David] Dewhurst was laying the groundwork for a run for governor in 2010."

Dewhurst, a Republican who sets the agenda for the 31-member Senate, championed successful legislation to boost penalties for repeat sex offenders that he called Jessica's Law, in honor of a 9-year-old Florida girl who was raped and slain by a habitual predator. The measure, House Bill 8, calls for a minimum 25-year prison sentence for anyone who commits a sexually violent crime against a child younger than 14.

A second conviction carries a death sentence.

Here is a look at some other notable laws that take effect today:

Medical bills

This new law is aimed at helping patients find out whether their medical bills are being padded. Under Senate Bill 1832, patients who undergo certain lab tests will get more information about the price of the service and about where the work was done. The law requires doctors to identify outside labs that perform certain pathology services, such as biopsies and Pap smears, and to disclose the actual amount paid for the tests.

The Texas Society of Pathologists, which supports the law, said it's intended to combat the practice of doctors "marking up" lab bills by hiding added charges.

Patients who have a complaint about a doctor's failure to report the mandatory billing information can call the Texas Medical Board's hot line at 800-201-9353 or go to

Protecting kids

Senate Bill 6 boosts the penalty for sending sexually explicit material over the Internet to children ages 14 to 16 to a third-degree felony. Using the Internet to solicit someone ages 14 to 16 will become a second-degree felony.

Senate Bill 9 requires national criminal history checks for public school employees.

Laws for dogs

House Bill 1355 requires dog owners to secure their pets on their property even if their dogs have never been declared dangerous. Dog owners can be held criminally responsible if the dog causes serious bodily injury or death away from the owner's property in an unprovoked attack and if the owner failed to secure the dog.

House Bill 916 makes operating a dogfight a state jail felony and subjects spectators to prosecution for a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in county jail.

New rules for the road

House Bill 586 disqualifies drivers found guilty of speeding faster than 95 mph from taking a driver safety class to have the ticket dismissed.

Senate Bill 153 makes it illegal for a licensed driver supervising someone with a learner's permit to be intoxicated or to fall asleep.

Senate Bill 502 increases the minimum automobile liability coverage for policies initiated or renewed after April 1 to $25,000 for injury or death in an accident, $50,000 for injury or death to two or more people, and $25,000 for property damage.

House Bill 8 requires drivers 85 and older to pass a vision test for license renewal.

Senate Bill 1315 requires the Department of Public Safety's alert system to notify the public when an elderly person goes missing.

Guns and safety

Senate Bill 378 removes the requirement that a property owner retreat first before resorting to deadly force against an intruder.

House Bill 991 makes DPS records on who holds concealed-handgun permits exempt from state open-records laws.

Senate Bill 11 allows wiretap orders to be issued for suspects in offenses such as kidnapping and unlawful restraint, human trafficking and money laundering.

VIA: | 09/01/2007 | Hundreds of rules go into effect today

For The Love of Lasagna

Lasagna using the Baker's Edge pan (for making brownies). This looks like a good idea to me.

not martha

Honest Fortune Cookie

Honest Fortune Cookie

Graveyard Mall - Third Markdowns Taken

This stuff will sell out fast.

Romping Animals

Romping Animals

License Plate Journal

License Plate Journal

Design My Room

This looks cool

Design My Room

50 Practical Home Office Feng Shui Tips

Don’t lose sight of the door. Make sure all of your chairs and sofas are situated so that anyone sitting in your office will always be able to see the door. Having a way out and keeping track of who or what comes in is a traditional measure of good Feng Shui.

Add pillows and blankets. Buy a couple of throw pillows and a comfy blanket to give your office a cozy appeal. Let them lie easily on your chairs or couch, but only indulge in wrapping yourself up in the blanket if it’s really chilly. You want to promote an easygoing atmosphere, but you don’t want to fall asleep at your desk!

Blue - Incorporating the color blue into your home office helps include an association with the element “water.” Blue is a soothing color and is best used in the East and Southeast areas of the room. According to Feng Shui expert Rodika Tchi, painting the ceiling blue is a great way to not only add color to your office, but to improve productivity and promote good energy.

Green - According to, green “is considered to be a color of freshness, growth, and peace,” so try adding cushions or pillows in light, subtle shades to give your office soothing energy with a punch of personality.

Red - Bold reds are thought to introduce feelings wealth and happiness into a person’s life. Supplementing your otherwise subdued room with red accents will brighten your mood and perhaps even bring you luck. Don’t go overboard with strong reds or you may end up creating a negative energy infused with anger and agitation.

Put up family photos To make your home office more inviting, hang up or display photos of you with family and friends. You’ll make yourself more comfortable by seeing familiar faces and recalling fun memories. Use a variety both wood and metal frames to incorporate the two elements.

Citrus - Citrusy scents like tangerine and mandarin increase the amount of energy in the room, keeping you awake and alert even after hours of work.

Geranium and Lavender - These soothing scents will calm nerves and help you keep things in perspective.

MORE HERE: Bootstrapper » 50 Practical Home Office Feng Shui Tips

The Judge and the Shoe Bomber

The Judge's Affirmation of Freedom During the Sentencing of the "shoe-bomber" Terrorist-Truth!

Summary of the eRumor: The message includes the comments of U.S. District Court Judge William Young and his January, 2003 sentencing of convicted "shoe bomber" Richard Reid. In his comments, the judge explains to Reid why the stiff sentence was righteous and just.

The Truth: The story is true.

Also, the eRumor closes with a comment that suggests that the judge's remarks were not covered by the media. The story and quotes by the judge were reported extensively.

Last updated 4/14/03
A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet:

Ruling by Judge William Young

U.S. District Court Judge William Young made the following statement in sentencing "shoe bomber" Richard Reid to prison. It is noteworthy, and deserves to be remembered far longer than he predicts. I commend it to you and to anyone you might wish to forward it to.

January 30, 2003
United States vs. Reid.

Judge Young: Mr. Richard C. Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon you.

On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the custody of the United States Attorney General.

On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7, the Court sentences you to 20 years in prison on each count, the sentence on each count to run consecutive with the other. That's 80 years.

On count 8 the Court sentences you to the mandatory 30 years consecutive to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes upon you each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000 for the aggregate fine of $2 million.

The Court accepts the government's recommendation with respect to restitution and orders restitution in the amount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and $5,784 to American Airlines.

The Court imposes upon you the $800 special assessment.

The Court imposes upon you five years supervised release simply because the law requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I need go no further.

This is the sentence that is provided for by our statues. It is a fair and just sentence. It is a righteous sentence. Let me explain this to you.

We are not afraid of any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire before. There is all too much war talk here. And I say that to everyone with the utmost respect.

Here in this court , where we deal with individuals as individuals, and care for individuals as individuals, as human beings we reach out for justice, you are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier gives you far too much stature. Whether it is the officers of government who do it or your attorney
who does it, or that happens to be your view, you are a terrorist.

And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not treat with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice.

So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow. But you are not that big. You're no warrior. I know warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of criminal guilty of multiple attempted murders.

In a very real sense Trooper Santigo had it right when you first were taken off that plane and into custody and you wondered where the press and where the TV crews were and he said, "You're no big deal." You're no big deal.

What your counsel, what your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys have grappled with and what I have as honestly as I know how tried to grapple with, is why you did something so horrific. What was it that led you here to this courtroom today? I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to search your heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led you to do what you are guilty and admit you are guilty of doing. And I have an answer for you. It may not satisfy you. But as I search this entire record it comes as close to understanding as I know.

It seems to me you hate the one thing that is most precious. You hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose.

Here, in this society, the very winds carry freedom. They carry it everywhere from sea to shining sea. It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here in this beautiful courtroom. So that everyone can see, truly see that justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely.

It is for freedom's sake that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf and have filed appeals, will go on in their, their representation of you before other judges. We are about it. Because we all know that the way we treat you,
Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no mistake though. It is yet true that we will bear any burden, pay any price, to preserve our freedoms.

Look around this courtroom. Mark it well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here. Day after tomorrow it will be forgotten. But this, however, will long endure. Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America, the American people will gather to see that justice,individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice is in fact being done.

The very President of the United States through his officers will have to come into courtrooms and lay out evidence on which specific matters can be judged, and juries of citizens will gather to sit and judge that evidence democratically, to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.

See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of America. That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten. That flag stands for freedom. You know it always will.

Custody Mr. Officer. Stand him down.

How much of this Judge's comments did you hear on our TV sets? Please pass this around. Everyone needs to hear what the judge had to say.

The Judge and the Shoe Bomber

Friday, August 31, 2007

Honkin' Mad: Texas says no to speed cameras ... for now

Honkin' Mad: Texas says no to speed cameras ... for now

Arlington Gem and Mineral Club - 50th Annual Jewerly, Gem, and Mineral Show

We might go to this tomorrow. It's $6 for adults and $3 for kids 6-12.
Arlington Gem and Mineral Club - 50th Annual Jewerly, Gem, and Mineral Show

OuthouseRag: Pachelbel Bedtime. If you Watch one Video Today Watch this one

This is GREAT!

VIA: OuthouseRag: Pachelbel Bedtime. If you Watch one Video Today Watch this one

Cardboard Puzzle Piece Missing?

VIA: Cardboard Puzzle Piece Missing?
I acquired a puzzle that had one piece missing. I scanned the picture on the puzzle box and enlarged the area of the missing piece, printed it out and glued it to cardboard (thickness of puzzle), cut to shape of missing piece.

Great whether you are saving the picture or passing it along to someone else!

Syd's 2 cents

By Syd from Dunkirk, MD

12 Volt Battery Hack

I wonder if this really works?

12 Volt Battery Hack! You'll Be Surprised... - Watch more funny videos here

Hidden Google Earth Flight Simulator?

MAKE: Blog: Hidden Google Earth flight simulator?

The Care and Feeding of a Central Air Conditioner

The condensing unit for your central air conditioner or heat pump resides outside all year round and needs proper care and attention just like any other major appliance in your home.

The Care and Feeding of a Central Air Conditioner

Miss Hawaii's Final Answer at Miss World America 1992

$6 - River Run Water Park - Toys R Us

River Run Water Park

RC Havoc Helicopter

I bought Kelly one of these at Toys R Us a while back for about $25. It's scares the you-know-what out of Maddie. The bad thing about it is you can't actually steer it. I mean you can only make it go up and down. That's what Kelly says anyway. - RC Havoc Helicopter - Yellow

Target : LeapFrog Brightlings Matchers & Dancers

These look cute for babies. They're $9.99.

Target : LeapFrog Brightlings Matchers

Target : LeapFrog Brightlings Dancers

Target : Rock 'n Ride Pony - Pink

This is cute for $30.
Target : Rock 'n Ride Pony - Pink

Target : Rock 'n Ride Bull

I saw this last year and wanted to get it for Maddie. It was only like $15 at I think, but the shipping on it would have been over $20 or so. This is probably a different model since it says it will be released in October.

Target : Rock 'n Ride Bull

Fisher-Price TMX Friends - Ernie

This item will be released on October 1, 2007. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives. $34.99
Target : Fisher-Price TMX Friends - Ernie - $20 off $50 when you use Paypal to check out

smartbargains Coupons, Coupon Codes, Deals

Glance At Some New Texas Laws Effective Sept. 1

Glance At Some New Texas Laws Effective Sept. 1

Here are some of the hundreds of new laws that take effect in Texas on Sept. 1:

Known as "Katie's Law," it requires drivers 79 and older to renew licenses in person. At age 85, renewal period drops from every six years to two years. It is named after 17-year-old Katie Bolka, who was killed in 2006 when an elderly driver ran a red light.

Drivers ticketed at more than 95 mph cannot take a driving safety class to dismiss the citation.

Police will have discretion to issue citations instead of arresting those in possession of four ounces or less of marijuana. The offender must live in the county where they are stopped and must not be considered a threat to public safety.

"Jessica's Law," named after 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford, a Florida girl who was sexually abused and murdered, allows prosecutors to seek the death penalty for some repeat child sex offenders.

The state will develop an alert system for missing senior citizens similar to the current Amber Alert program used for abducted children.

Removes the requirement that someone must try to retreat before using deadly force to defend themselves.

SEARCH WARRANTS: Allows courts to seal from the public and media search warrant affidavits for up to 60 days.

Dog owners whose pets attack and seriously injure someone could face up to 10 years in prison. If the attack is fatal, it could be up to 20 years.

As part of the state budget, more than 100,000 additional children could be added to the state's Children's Health Insurance Program. - Glance At Some New Texas Laws In Effective Sept. 1

Texas Woman Claims To Have Head Of Chupacabra

Looks part Doberman Pinscher to me...

Texas Woman Claims To Have Head Of Chupacabra

(AP) CUERO Phylis Canion lived in Africa for four years. She's been a hunter all her life and has the mounted heads of a zebra and other exotic animals in her house to prove it.

But the roadkill she found last month outside of her ranch was a new one even for her, worth putting in a freezer hidden from curious onlookers: Canion believes she may have the head of the mythical bloodsucking chupacabra.

"It is one ugly creature," Canion said, holding the head of the mammal with big ears, large fanged teeth and grayish-blue, mostly hairless skin.

More Here: - Texas Woman Claims To Have Head Of Chupacabra

Kroger Recalls Potato Salad On E. Coli Fears

Kroger Recalls Potato Salad On E. Coli Fears

(AP) CINCINNATI, Ohio Kroger Co. said Friday the grocery chain was recalling its store-brand "Southern-Style" and "Mustard" potato salads because of concerns they have been tainted with E. coli bacteria, according to state agricultural officials. - Kroger Recalls Potato Salad On E. Coli Fears

Set For Life - Come on...

I love Jimmy Kimmel. I don't watch his show that much, but I did watch "The Man Show" every now and then. From time to time, I watch some of the video clips from his show and he's hilarious. Why in the hell did he get involved with this show? This has got to be one of the lamest game shows I have ever seen in my life. My advice to Mr. Kimmel, get out of this show while you still have some dignity left.

Set For Life - Set For Life -

Penn and Teller's Message to Terrorists

This isn't suitable for work, so you've been forewarned. I like their idea.

Expert advice on avoiding online fraud |

Security Notice: Monster has learned of an email scam targeting some users. Learn more.

A Smart Job Search is a Safe Job Search

Monster is dedicated to providing the safest possible environment for you to search for jobs and manage your career. To assist with that goal, we ask that you keep a few simple security precautions in mind when evaluating job postings on Monster and job opportunities that you may receive unsolicited via email.

More here: Security Center: Expert advice on avoiding online fraud |

Plow & Hearth End Of Summer Clearance

End of Summer Clearance - Plow & Hearth

Historic Camp Bowie Mercantile

Thought I'd post this since my mom has a couple of booths here. It's a very nice place. They have all kinds of stuff. Mom had a baby seal fur coat for sale (hope PETA doesn't bombard me with hate mail) and some loser stole it. They caught him on videotape though. What's wrong with people these days?

My mom is in this picture. Can you guess which one she is?

Mimosas & Music - September 1st & 2nd

Come enjoy complementary mimosas and appetizers while you listen to local musicians perform.
Saturday from 1p.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 2 p.m.
Come early to register to win prizes!

September 4th – Private Party

Private party for Legends of Texas from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Grandparents Weekend – September 8th & 9th

Trolley Stop Café would like to recognize all Grandparents by offering free
banana pudding & premium coffee with purchase of entrée

Merchant Meet and Greet – September 11th

All Merchants are welcome to attend from 6:30 – 7:30. This is an opportunity to talk to the owners
and mingle with other merchants.

TCU Homecoming Kickoff Party! – September 22nd

TCU Fans come celebrate with at the Mercantile from Noon - 6 p.m. Show your TCU spirit and receive a complementary beer or wine and hors d'oeuvres.

Spa Week – September 27th, 28th & 29th

Ladies you won’t want to miss the fun!
Thursday night 4:30 – 8:00 p.m. – Complementary Appletini's, Hors d'oeuvres, chair massage,
music, health tips and more!

Friday and Saturday 2 - 4 p.m. – chair massages, make-up demonstrations, music and prizes!

Family Weekend TCU Party – September 29th

Wear something to support TCU and receive a chance to win a gift certificate.
Complementary beer or win and hors d’oeuvres.

Private Party - October 4th

Cocktails and hors d’oeurves. By invitation only

National Boss Day – October 16th

Free dessert and prize drawings for the Head Honcho!

Merchant Pot Luck Dinner – October 16th

There's always something exciting going on at Historic Camp Bowie Mercantile & Trolley Stop Cafe!
Be sure to check back regularly to see the next big event on our calendar!

Darling Shoes - Save 80%

I just ordered four pair of shoes for a little over $20. Shipping via USPS is a flat rate of $6.99. Can't beat this deal.

Darling Shoes - Baby, Toddler, Preschool Boy and Girl Shoes for Less

Bed Bath & Beyond - Extra 20% Savings - In Store Only

The Country Store - Save Up To 60% This Labor Day Weekend

Country Store

The Paragon - Free Shipping Sitewide

Free shipping if you use code P7W32E1A Online Shopping for Gifts, Home Décor, Apparel, and more

Trinity Trash Bash 2007

It’s time to banish some trash! North Texas cities and entities are gearing up for the 16th annual Trinity Trash Bash events, which will be held throughout the month of September and into October. Individuals, group leaders, educators, and community service organizations are all encouraged to take part in these events, which not only clean and beautify the banks of the Trinity River, but educate the public about the importance of the Trinity River as a primary source of drinking water in the Metroplex.

The Trinity Trash Bash is coordinated by Trinity River Environmental Education, Inc. (TREES, Inc.), a nonprofit organization. Last year’s Trash Bash resulted in more than 2,500 volunteers picking up 36 tons of trash.

Listed below are the cities involved in Trash Bash 2007 and the dates on which their events will be held. For more information, including contact information, specific event locations, and how to get involved with a Trash Bash event near you, visit

Trinity Trash Bash 2007 Dates and Locations

Sept. 7-8 - Watauga

Sept. 8 - Keller

Sept. 15 - Arlington
Fort Worth (coordinated by Tarrant Regional Water District)
Haltom City
Kaufman County
Keep Dallas Beautiful
Richland Hills
The Colony

Sept. 22 - Cedar Creek
Grand Prairie
North Richland Hills

Sept. 29 - Flower Mound

October 13 - Carrollton

Cities and other entities interested in organizing their own Trash Bash may contact Fran Burns, TREES, Inc. President, at (817) 222-7767 or & Development -

40% off Plus 15% off coupon code @ Bloomingdale's

I bought this at Amazon and paid $31. I love it and so does Maddie. Seems like a good deal for $25, plus take 10% off if you use the coupon code. It's called the Twilight Turtle. It's under sales & values, kids, toys and gifts.

bloomingdales Coupons, Coupon Codes, Deals

Police Say Parents Left Toddlers Alone In Car

Way to go, Grandparents! - Police Say Parents Left Toddlers Alone In Car:
"Police Say Parents Left Toddlers Alone In Car
Stehanie Lucero Reporting (CBS 11 News)

McKINNEY The parents of two toddlers have been arrested. Police say they left their children alone in a car outside a store in McKinney.

The temperature Wednesday was in the mid 90's and likely even higher inside a vehicle. McKinney police have arrested 20-year-old Anthony Scott and his 20-year-old wife Jasmine. According to authorities the couple left their one-year-old and three-year-old children inside the family's 1984 Buick, with the windows rolled down.

The children's grandparents, who happened to be in the same shopping center parking lot, saw the car with the children inside and rescued them. According to police the grandmother took the children around the side of a building to teach her daughter and son-in-law a lesson. When the parents came out of the store the children were gone and they called 911.

Police found the children in the safe care of their grandmother. 'You would think they would know better than to do this for any length of time. We don't allow animals to stay inside of cars because of this very reason, much alone a one-year-old and a three-year-old,' said Captain Randy Roland, McKinney Police Department. Both parents face felony charges of abandoning and endangering a child. "

Some Wealthy & Powerful Drive On Tollway For Free

Well, of course the wealthy and powerful drive for free. What do you think makes them wealthy and powerful? Makes me sick to my stomach. I love it when a news investigative team busts them though. I think they should take the money they should have been spending on toll tags and go buy school supplies or a book or something for needy kids, the sorry bastards.

Be sure and click on the PDF file at the link below. It actually lists names. I think you should get a free toll tag if you're disabled, if you served any amount of time in the military, if you're a teacher, if someone in your immediate family received a Purple Heart...I could go on and on. Nobody cares what I think though - HMPH! I'll go sit on my pity potty for a while. - Some Wealthy & Powerful Drive On Tollway For Free

FIREFOX GOD: 300+ Tools and Resources For Firefox

I gave up on IE about a year ago, but since we got the new computer, I figured I give it a try again - what a stupid mistake. I love Firefox.

FIREFOX GOD: 300+ Tools and Resources For Firefox

Monster spider web spun in Texas -

I thought these were called webworms...I must be crazy. There's a buttload of these webs in the creek. Great for Halloween!

Monster spider web spun in Texas -

A poor man’s stained glass?

ReadyMade Blog » Blog Archive » A poor man’s stained glass?

Top Cubicle Decor Items

Yahoo! Shopping Blog : Top Cubicle Decor Items


FreshArrival » Blog Archive » CORDHog.

Cool Tool: Easy Cutter Ultimate

Cool Tool: Easy Cutter Ultimate

Cool Tool: Home Carbonation System

Cool Tool: Home Carbonation System

Bad Burglar

Yes, this is old. But did you know this guy is robbing a liquor store on Meadowbrook Drive here in Fort Worth? It's the liquor store where the old Braum's used to be that used to be next to the old Winchell's Donuts that used to be across the street from Myers - aw, the good old days

Weatherford Democrat - Woman strips naked outside courthouse

Oh how I miss working at the Parker County Courthouse. My guess is someone took a road trip to Wichita Falls.


Woman strips naked outside courthouse

Galen Scott

Law enforcement officials were called to the west entrance of the Parker County Courthouse at 8 a.m. Wednesday, after an unidentified woman began removing her clothes in a stairwell.

Parker County Sheriff’s Deputy Scott Arnett said the woman approached him near the west door, and then traveled down a set of adjacent stairs, where she stripped naked and began to wail.

“She kept trying to lay down, and then she just curled up,” Arnett recalled. “When she got nude, I decided she probably didn’t have anything to hide, but I called for help; I didn’t want to end up chasing a naked woman across the highway.”

Arnett called the Weatherford Police Department for assistance. Weatherford Officers Larry Price and Don Fear responded to Arnett’s call, along with the Weatherford Fire Department and a team of LifeCare paramedics. A police cruiser parked on the courthouse sidewalk caught the eyes of motorists stuck in morning traffic.

It took law enforcement personnel about 10 minutes to convince the woman to put her clothes back on, and she was subsequently transported to a Metroplex hospital.

County Environmental Officer Connie Good was also at the scene. Good recalled working an environmental call in Springtown where she said the woman had been living in a mobile home with dozens of animals.

Before she started undressing, Arnett said the woman seemed to be repeating a name and birthday.

“I tried to ask if she needed help,” he said. “She just looked at me, then took off her shirt, and then her jeans, and then she was in her birthday suit.”

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Drugs May Outlast Label Date I lied. After taking my pain pill, the pain has mysteriously subsided for now until Maddie starts screaming or starts her delirious circles where she spins around and around and flings her "crazy arms" as da-da calls them, then my pain might have to reappear - ha!

Anyway, after getting my prescriptions filled, I started wondering about the expiration dates on all the old bottles in my bathroom cabinet. I remember reading or hearing that most drugs lose their potency after the expiration date, but that there was one drug that would be life-threatening to take after it expired. In my search, I came upon this article. Yes, it is over two years old but it has some good info in it. I've tried to highlight what I think are the important parts of the article. The one medicine I was thinking of that was a no-no to take after it expired was Tetracycline, but after reading this article, I'm not so sure it's that bad after all. Hell, it beats taking fish antibiotics. (Only self-employed people who have no health insurance will know what I mean - or am I just a weirdo? Don't answer that!)

Drugs may outlast label date
Billions may be discarded due to makers' expiration time

Monday, May 30, 2005
By Michael Woods, Post-Gazette National Bureau

With a migraine headache threatening, reach for Imitrex, the prescription drug that brings these debilitating headaches to a screeching halt. The pharmacy label warns: "Discard after February 2005." Those tiny tablets cost $16 each, almost their weight in gold.

Can you still take it in May? Ask the same questions for scores of other prescription drugs, which cost people in the United States more than $160 billion annually.

The expiration dates on jugs of milk and cartons of yogurt tell consumers when a product goes bad. That may not always be true with the labels on prescription drugs, according to research that includes a little-known government testing program.

Government tests have found that some drugs stay fresh for years longer, enabling the military to save millions of dollars in replacing "expired" drugs. While the American Medical Association has urged the pharmaceutical industry to see if consumers are wasting money by pitching drugs that are still safe and effective, nothing has been done.

The research raises questions about how seriously consumers should take expiration dates on some medicines but leaves them without key information to make decisions, according to Dr. Stephen R. Byrn, an expert on drug stability at Purdue University.

"A consumer really needs to know what they are doing to take a drug that has expired," Byrn said. "In most cases the data to support using drugs past their expiration date is not available, so, of course, consumers would not be able to get this information."

In dispensing pills, pharmacists use the manufacturer's expiration date to pick the "discard after" or "beyond-use" date they put on prescription labels. It can't exceed the manufacturer's expiration date, and usually is shorter. If the manufacturer says Prozac, Viagra, Cipro, Ambien, or Valium expires in May 2006, patients might get a prescription bottle labeled "Discard after May 2005."

The Shelf Life Extension Program (SLEP), however, has found that drugs can stay safe and effective long after the manufacturer's expiration date if properly stored in the original container. Run by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the Defense Department, it has saved the military millions of dollars on replacement of "expired" drugs.

"This program is a large cost saver to the taxpayer," said Ellen M. Kavanagh, an assistant manager of the shelf-life program. In one instance, the Pentagon spent about $350,000 on testing of supposedly expired drugs, and avoided needlessly discarding about $33 million worth of medicine.

Dr. Robbe C. Lyon, deputy director of product quality research at the FDA, said consumers should pay attention to expiration dates on their drug bottles because shelf-life program's findings apply to drugs stored in the original containers under ideal conditions.

"But once the container is opened and exposed to an unpredictable environment, it is difficult to predict the drug effectiveness," Lyon said. "For patients who rely on medications to stay alive, like heart medications, expired drugs can be dangerous because they may not be getting the full effectiveness of the drug."

Other studies, however, suggest that some prescription drugs in the bottles given to patients, stored under ordinary household conditions, also are surprisingly durable. They may remain fresh beyond the "discard after" date.

The Medical Letter, a respected source of independent information about drugs, covered the topic in a 2002 article. It reported that certain medicines, stored in high humidity and other bad conditions, stayed good to use for 1.5 to nine years after their expiration dates. For instance, Symmetrel (amantadine) and Flumadine (rimantidine), anti-viral drugs used to prevent and treat influenza, withstood 160-degree temperatures and were good after the equivalent of 25 years of ordinary storage.

"Many drugs stored under reasonable conditions retain 90 percent of their potency for at least five years after the expiration date on the label, and sometimes much longer," the report stated.

Nobody knows for sure, because a consumer-oriented version of Pentagon shelf-life program -- which would check the actual life span of prescription drugs stored in bathrooms, kitchens, purses, and cars -- has never been done.

"Currently, I am not aware of any programs that focus on drug stability in the consumer environment," said Dr. Claudia Okeke, an associate director at the U.S. Pharmacopeia in Rockville, Md. Pharmacopeia is a nonprofit private organization that establishes standards for stability, purity, and quality of medicines and is the source of the USP symbol found on medications.

Overly conservative expiration and discard-after dates could make consumers waste money by throwing away good drugs. On the other hand, taking stale medicine that doesn't work could make diseases get worse.

Contrary to common belief, there is little scientific evidence that expired drugs are toxic. The Medical Letter could find just one reported case in which a patient may have been harmed by taking an expired drug. It occurred more than 40 years ago and involved a patient who may have suffered kidney damage from taking expired tetracycline, an antibiotic. Since then, tetracycline products have been changed to eliminate the problem.

With doctors confused about what to advise patients, the AMA in 2001 urged that the pharmaceutical industry study the medical and financial implications of expiration dating.

"The actual shelf life of many pharmaceutical products might be considerably longer than the expiration date that appears on the manufacturer's container, which could result in unnecessary waste, higher pharmaceutical costs, and possibly reduced access to necessary drugs for some patients," the AMA's Council on Scientific Affairs said.

One group of patients would benefit most by lengthening expiration dates.

They use medication prescribed on a "take-as-needed" basis. Patients take a pill only when symptoms appear, or get worse, and pills may sit unused for months at a time. Such drugs include pain medicines; migraine drugs like Imitrex; sleeping aids like the best-seller, Ambien; male impotence drugs like Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis; allergy drugs; some anti-anxiety drugs; and anti-viral medicines intended for use only if influenza outbreaks occur.

Nitroglycerin, the heart drug, is one take-as-needed drug known to have a very short shelf life after the bottle is unsealed. Liquid medicines also have short shelf lives.

Other patients also may switch from one medicine to another and then back to the original drug, or take medication breaks that leave pills sitting unused.

There are wider implications, as well, since some international aid agencies and foreign countries refuse donations of desperately needed drugs for AIDS and other serious diseases if the medication is expired or nearing the expiration date.

AMA called on the pharmaceutical industry, including the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), to determine whether increasing expiration dates would save money and involve any risks for patients. PhRMA is the main pharmaceutical industry trade group.

"A letter was sent to PhRMA simply urging them to share the Council on Scientific Affairs report with its member companies to determine whether longer expiration dates would provide any economic or clinical benefits for patients," the council's Nancy Nolan said. The AMA got no answer, she added.

Dr. Alan Goldhammer, a vice president for regulatory affairs at PhRMA, said he could not easily determine whether the association carried through on the recommendation. He disputed any implication that the pharmaceutical industry uses conservative expiration dating to increase sales by making consumers discard good medication.

"Companies choose a conservative approach so that patients will receive drugs that are safe, pure, and potent under the conditions of storage," he said.

The first hints that manufacturers understate actual expiration dates, causing good medicine to be thrown away, emerged in the 1980s.

As part of President Ronald Reagan's efforts to increase military readiness, the Defense Department amassed a $1 billion stockpile of drugs and medical devices. By 1985, many of them were nearing the expiration date, and the Pentagon faced a huge bill for buying replacements.

The Pentagon wondered if the drugs really were going bad, and asked FDA to test them with the same "stability" tests manufacturers perform before marketing a drug.

Manufacturers use various tests to see how long drugs remain "stable" and good to use. The chemicals in a medicine break down over time with exposure to humidity, heat and light. They gradually become unstable, changing into new forms that don't work like the fresh ingredients.

Some stability tests speed up the clock by subjecting drugs to high humidity, heat and other harsh conditions for a few months. The results allow scientists to project how long a drug will remain stable under ideal conditions. Other tests monitor drugs stored for long periods under real-world conditions.

Most drugs have expiration dates 12 to 60 months after manufacture, according to PhRMA.

The shelf-life program found that manufacturers use conservative expiration dates. About 85 percent of the Pentagon's drug stockpile remained good after the expiration date, and shelf-life program extended their expiration dates by an average of 57 months, according to the FDA. Among them were everyday antibiotics like tetracycline and penicillin; the tranquilizer Valium (diazepam); and the ulcer drug, Tagamet (cimetidine). One batch of the antibiotic Cipro (ciprofloxacin) was good 13 years after the expiration date.

The testing did not include liquid medicines, vaccines, blood products, and other items known to spoil.

The shelf-life program's Kavanagh described the testing as comprehensive and scientifically sound. "Each item is stressed, placed in a chamber which maintains a temperature of 122 degrees and 75 percent humidity for 60 days," she explained. "The potency of the stressed samples is compared with the standard for each item, and using the comparison, the FDA estimates the extendable life of the product."

Kavanagh also emphasized that the extensions apply only for medicine stored in military depots. "Individual prescriptions issued to patients are never considered for extension," she said, "since the storage conditions of these items by individuals cannot be assured."

She estimated that the shelf-life program saves the Defense Department $75 to $100 for every dollar spent on testing.

That program now is helping to save money on replacing tons of life-saving drugs in government stockpiles maintained for terrorist attacks, flu epidemics, nuclear power plant accidents and other civilian public health emergencies.

Like USP's Okeke, spokesmen for several pharmaceutical companies said they were unaware of any other programs to test actual shelf lives of prescriptions dispensed to patients.

Although health insurers spend heavily on prescription drug benefits, they have not joined the AMA in urging such a program. Spokesmen for Aetna and Wellpoint, for instance, did not even respond to requests for comment.

Dr. Robert J. Weber, chairman of pharmacy and therapeutics at the University of Pittsburgh school of pharmacy and executive director of pharmacy and therapeutics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, said there could be significant savings.

"The kind of research suggested by the AMA should be done and could save consumers and insurers money, considering the high cost of prescription drugs," Weber said. "Putting the results into effect, however, might take a lot of consumer education to avoid situations like hoarding drugs and using medications that are no longer necessary for them."

(Michael Woods can be reached at or 202-662-7072.)

Drugs may outlast label date

No More Posts Today

No more posts today. I had massive dental work done. Massive to me means they used a knife. The numbness has just about worn off. Hubby and daughter are on their way to CVS to get my painkillers and it looks like it's about to come a tornado. Holy crap!

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Csi Handwriting Analysis Kit

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MilkandCookies - Mr. Rogers Farewell

MilkandCookies - Mr. Rogers Farewell

Ahh, Those Were The Days


Yankee Candle Labor Day Sale

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Toddler to Teen Party Planner - Good Housekeeping

Not the greatest unless you think your four-year-old is a toddler. I thought toddler was 2+. Oh, well. Guess I'll plan Maddie's party elsewhere.

Toddler to Teen Party Planner - Good Housekeeping

Simple Sangria - Good Housekeeping

Don't know if you can beat Leigh's Martha Stewart Sangria from Jessica's Bridal Shower, but worth a shot.

Simple Sangria

- triple-tested at The Good Housekeeping Research Institute

The name is derived from sangre, Spanish for "blood," and this ruby-red concoction is truly the essence of any proper fiesta. Stud your pitcher with whatever fruits look good at the market, making sure to load up on sangria's signature citrus. We love merlot or Shiraz, but you can create a lighter punch with a crisp white or rosé. No need to spend a bundle -- an inexpensive bottle will do the trick. Salud!
1 bottle (1.5 liter) red wine
1 1⁄2 cups fresh orange juice
1⁄3 cup brandy
1⁄3 cup sugar
2 nectarines, pitted and cut into wedges
1 orange, cut in half then sliced
1 lemon, sliced
1 Kirby (pickling) cucumber, sliced
3 cups seltzer or club soda, chilled
Ice cubes
1. In 3- to 4-quart pitcher, combine wine, orange juice, brandy, and sugar; stir until sugar dissolves.

2. Stir in fruit and cucumber. Cover and refrigerate until well chilled, at least 3 hours or overnight.

3. To serve, stir seltzer into pitcher. Fill glasses with ice and pour sangria.

Photo: Tara Donne
Cooking Information
Servings 12
Prep Time 10 minutes plus chilling
Nutritional Information (per serving)
Calories 160
Sodium 20 mg
Carbohydrates 16 g
Fiber 1 g
Protein 1 g

Toys 'R' Us Recalls 27,000 Coloring Sets For Lead - Toys 'R' Us Recalls 27,000 Coloring Sets For Lead

Graveyard Mall Clearance


10 Things You Don't Know About Women - Esquire

Tea Leoni -- 10 Things You Don't Know About Women - Esquire


She Said Thank You « Meditations on Meaning

She Said Thank You « Meditations on Meaning


Man's heart stops after Red Bull overdose - National -

Man's heart stops after Red Bull overdose - National -


Pretty Pics - The Most Famous Waterfalls On Earth

Bored To Death » Blog Archive » The Most Famous Waterfalls On Earth


Lesser Known Windows Freeware | Mark Wagner - Yet Another Blog

Lesser Known Windows Freeware | Mark Wagner - Yet Another Blog

I might have fibbed a little - didn't know I was that good

You Are 84% Good

You are not only a good person... you are a model citizen and a natural leader.
Whether you know it or not, your high moral standards and good judgment is truly rare.
You don't take ethical short cuts in life. You are able to do what's right - even when it's very difficult.
And while it may seem like no one else is as on track as you are, take heart in knowing that you set a good example for others.

You are also probably: Very sensitive and in tune with the world

Right now you are on track to being: A saint

To be a better person: Gently mentor someone who is taking the wrong path in life


Baby Got Back In Walmart

This hilarious kid probably got banned from Walmart for life. If he had stolen something or took pictures underneath the bathroom stalls, he would be shopping there the next day, no problem. If I had been at Walmart and heard this kid, I would have cracked up internally and given this kid a sly thumbs up on my way out.

What The Hell?

I don't care if you're scared shitless, you could still give a somewhat intelligible answer. I swear the first time I watched this I thought she said, Osama. What she said was, Some -- uh --

Clearance - All Aboard Toys

Clearance - All Aboard Toys

Bits & Pieces: Naked hula-hooper helps rob convenience store

This wasn't Fred, was it, Mom?

Bits & Pieces: Naked hula-hooper helps rob convenience store

What A Wonderful World - Yes, It Is

My mom and my mother-in-law both sent this to me last week in an email. It's too neat not to share.

One Foamy Day At The Beach!

Across-the-Board ( Wow, one foamy day at the beach!

60 - 70% Off Goody's Family Clothing

I had no idea Goody's made clothes. Thought they only made hairbrushes. Worth a look I guess.

Just looked a little better on this site. They have all kinds of stuff. Lots of collegiate things that I've never seen before like handheld fans. My only gripe is they don't have Texas Tech. What's up with that? Go Raiders!

Goody's Family Clothing

Free Stuff on the Internet Topics

The Impulsive Buy » Archive » Caramel Doritos Sweets

Whoever Marvo is, he is hilarious. This article is too funny. Now I have to try Doritos Sweets.

The Impulsive Buy » Archive » Caramel Doritos Sweets

Like Merchant Ships: Deviled eggs (again)

Like Merchant Ships: Deviled eggs (again)

Like Merchant Ships: The art of appreciating what you have

Like Merchant Ships: The art of appreciating what you have

50 Ways to Bring Color Into Your Home

50 Ways to Bring Color Into Your Home

Declutter It’s 50 Fabulous Organizing Products

It's fabulous if you can afford it.
Declutter It’s 50 Fabulous Organizing Products

50 Things You Can Make from Scratch

This would be nice if my name was Carole Brady and I had a nice lady named Alice to make this stuff for me.

Seriously though, occasionally I get the urge to cook something that's not frozen or doesn't come in a box. These might be worth a try.

50 Things You Can Make from Scratch

Frugal For Life: Too Many Books

Frugal For Life: Too Many Books

Tons of Homemade Solutions for the House - Dumb Little Man

Tons of Homemade Solutions for the House - Dumb Little Man

How to Keep your Teeth White - Dumb Little Man

The picture at the following link is a little scary - the info is good though. Just try not to look at the foamy mouth - don't know why people have to put pics like that up - we get the idea of tooth whitening okay - I assume that's what this guy is doing. I wouldn't know because my teeth are green - well, close.
How to Keep your Teeth White - Dumb Little Man

Insiders: To Get Telemarketers To Stop, You Must Specifically Say "Put Me On Your Do Not Call List" - Consumerist

Insiders: To Get Telemarketers To Stop, You Must Specifically Say "Put Me On Your Do Not Call List" - Consumerist

Department Of Useless Crap: Do You Really Need The Neosporin Tote? Does Anyone? - Consumerist

This is funny. Department Of Useless Crap: Do You Really Need The Neosporin Tote? Does Anyone? - Consumerist

Committee to Reduce Infectious Deaths - 15 Steps you can take to protect yourself

Committee to Reduce Infectious Deaths - 15 Steps you can take to protect yourself

Reverse Phone Number Lookup: Get Easy Reverse Phone Number Lookups With Sullr - Consumerist

Reverse Phone Number Lookup: Get Easy Reverse Phone Number Lookups With Sullr - Consumerist

Don't Stop, Thief: Home Depot Fires Another Employee For Stopping A Thief - Consumerist

Don't Stop, Thief: Home Depot Fires Another Employee For Stopping A Thief - Consumerist

On The Cheap: Make Refrigerator Pickles! - Consumerist

Click the link to

On The Cheap: Make Refrigerator Pickles! - Consumerist

ShopNBC Sale and Coupon

Go to their clearance section to find some cheap deals. And if you're crazy enough to spend over $75, don't forget to use the coupon code for an additional 10% off.

ShopNBC Sale and Coupon

Want Not » 75 chances to save big

I had never heard of Lands End On The Counter discounted items. Some of their stuff if pretty cheap.

Want Not » 75 chances to save big

Want Not » Go Woot-Off, it’s your birthday

Want Not » Go Woot-Off, it’s your birthday

The Pampered Chef, Ltd. - Outlet

The Pampered Chef, Ltd. - Shopping

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I've never used this site before, but it looks like a good one.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Peckerwood Garden Open Days

This place is north of Houston. The name of it cracks me up. I'm sure it's not meant to be funny. It's probably a gorgeous place. In fact, I would really like to go there. I must go there now, if only to take my husband's picture by the Peckerwood sign! He's not a peckerwood though. What does Peckerwood mean exactly?

peck·er·wood /ˈpɛkərˌwʊd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pek-er-wood] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. Midland and Southern U.S. woodpecker.
2. Southern U.S. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. poor white.
3. Southern U.S. small or insignificant: He makes a living farming and running a peckerwood sawmill.

Well, maybe he is a peckerwood after offense, sweetie!

Peckerwood Garden Open Days

Too Soon Old

Too Soon Old

The "crabby old man" who died with an inspirational poem in his pocket-Fiction!

Why anyone would change the name of a poem, email it to everyone in their address book, concoct a story behind it, and then change the name of the author to anonymous is absolutely ludicrous to me. In fact, it downright pisses me off.

From this day forward, I promise I will do everything in my power to see that every article I post here gives the original author their just rewards.

To the asshole that started this chain of lies, up yours.

To Mr. David Griffith, I hope some day you get the recognition you deserve. It truly is a wonderful, heart-wrenching poem, no matter what the title of it is.

The "crabby old man" who died with an inspirational poem in his pocket-Fiction!

Free Educational Material To Download From Texas Parks & Wildlife - Forums

free educational material to download from Texas Parks and Wildlife - Forums

Free Louie The Lightning Bug Stuff

Free Louie the lightning bug stuff

Frito Lay Tree Giveaway - 50,000 Trees

Frito Lay tree giveaway

Toe ring and anklet sizing tools

What the hell will they think of next? Do they make hammer toe rings?
Toe ring and anklet sizing tools

Ennis Dentist Accused Of Taping Workers Undressing

What the hell are you doing changing clothes at work? This guy is a perv if he did it, but work is not for changing clothes. - Ennis Dentist Accused Of Taping Workers Undressing

Garage Pro 105 pc. Bit Set $11

I have no idea if these are worth a crap or not.
Garage Pro 105 pc. Bit Set $11

Free Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo sample

Before Maddie, I thought these Magic Erasers were a bunch of crap. Now, I couldn't live without them. Instantly removes unwanted crayon drawings. My brother also removed paint from my mother's bumper on her truck. Great for hit and runs - I'm just kidding!!!
Free Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Duo sample

Watch ads and get free magazines at

Watch ads and get free magazines at

$11 Fisher-Price Chicken Chase - Wal-Mart

Fisher-Price Chicken Chase - Wal-Mart

Forever Sweetheart Rose Bloom - $2.98

Be sure and put in the coupon code for $3.98 shipping.
Forever Sweetheart Rose Bloom

Discovery Channel Store End of Summer Sale - Save Up To 50%

Educational Toys & Unique Gifts at the Discovery Channel Store

Beauty Brands Girls' Night Out

Mom went to this last time they had it and said it wasn't the greatest, but I love free crap so I might go.

beauty brands Girls' Night Out

HP LaserJet 1018 Printer (CB419A) $14.99 w/FREE Shipping AFTER MAIL-IN REBATE (List Price: $129.99)

Click $65.99 to take you to a PDF file that you print out to mail in for your rebate. This deal seems almost too good to be true, but who am I to say? Maybe worth a shot.
HP LaserJet 1018 Printer (CB419A) $14.99 w/FREE Shipping (List Price: $129.99)

Hoover SilentAir 2000 Air Purifier

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Macy's Labor Day Sale - Save up to 50% and 25% on Clearance Items

Macy*s Pinzon 300-Thread-Count 100% Cotton Percale Solid King Sheet Set - $14.99

I have no idea if these sheets feel like sandpaper or not, but for $15, can't hardly beat it. I just wish I had a king-size. Oh, to have a king-size bed. That puts a little more room between me and the log sawer. One can wish, can't they? Pinzon 300-Thread-Count 100% Cotton Percale Solid King Sheet Set, Plum: Kitchen & Dining

What The Hell??

I go to the DMV today to finally change my name and address on my driver's license. Had Maddie with me in the stroller. I'm standing in line and this man who works there comes around to the side of me and says, "Watch out; don't step in that," and he points to this liquid on the floor. I say, "Oh, okay, thank you." He says, "Somebody spilled something...or SOMETHING." I say, "Or something?" He says, "Exactly." And he turns around and walks off.

My mind is going a hundred miles an hour thinking, What could this liquid be on the floor in the main line at the DMV? If somebody didn't spill something, they must have thrown up. But this liquid doesn't have chunks in it like puke. This liquid has a yellowish tint to it.

I get up to the desk and tell them what I'm there for. The lady who is helping me says to one of her coworkers, "I wish you would have said something to me because I would have told one of the troopers."

The whole time I'm trying to figure out how in the hell did some man piss his pants and this much liquid get on the floor; he must have pulled his dingus out and pissed right there on the floor. What a sicko!

I ask the nice lady who's helping me, "What's the deal with the liquid on the floor?" Her response, which I could barely hear, was, "A 42-year-old woman squatted and urinated on the floor."

WHAT THE HELL? Someone actually squatted in the freakin main line at the DMV and pissed right there on the floor! What the hell is wrong with people? And nobody told one of the 5000 troopers who work there? This person walked in the DMV, pissed on the floor, got her driver's license, and walked right out the freakin' door.

I swear if I had picked my nose in that place, I'd probably be spending the weekend in jail.

I just figured it out. Maybe the chick who pissed on the floor was a product of the "diaper-free" movement and used "elimination communication" when she was growing up (see the story from a couple of posts down). Maybe she heard a hissing sound and decided it was time to drop her pants and let it flow. Sick, sick, sick. - Call To Owen Wilson's Home Was For Suicide Attempt

This just goes to show you money doesn't buy happiness. It just buys you a nicer knife to slit your wrists with. - Call To Owen Wilson's Home Was For Suicide Attempt

Helmsley Will: Dog Gets Millions; 2 Grandkids, Zip

She's even a bitch from the grave. -
Helmsley Will: Dog Gets Millions; 2 Grandkids, Zip

Growing 'Diaper-Free' Movement Also Draws Doubt

I just read this story - Growing 'Diaper-Free' Movement Also Draws Doubt

Here's part of the story: "Dominic, 13 months, is a product of a growing "diaper-free" movement founded on the belief that babies are born with an instinctive ability to signal when they have to answer nature's call. Parents who practice the so-called "elimination communication" learn to read their children's body language to help them recognize the need, and they mimic the sounds that a child associates with the bathroom."

In my world, the body language is called a grunt or a wince, and you better hope like hell your baby has a diaper on their bo-bo or you're in for a nasty mess to clean up.

Here's another quote from the mother of this diaper-free kid: "The nice part is ... really getting the majority of poops in the toilet versus having to clean that," Klatt said. "I don't have to wake up at night and change diapers or have wet sheets anywhere. That's really nice."

She definitely doesn't have to wake up at night to change dirty diapers. Instead she wakes up to a shoo-wee filled bed. I wonder how many times she's had to scrape crap off the walls, floor, and ceiling in the middle of the night.

Another quote from this tree-huggin' mom: "And being able to travel without a big, bloated diaper bag is terrific," she said.

Is it terrific that she gets to travel in a car that smells like the zoo? She's probably grown accustomed to the smell and doesn't realize that she smells like walking shoo-wee 24/7. She might not have to carry a bloated diaper bag ever, but how does it feel when your kid shits himself at the local "green grocer"?

To quote an ex-boyfriend: Some got some and some got none. This lady, my friends, has none.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - The Bestseller in Bargain Books - The Bestseller in Bargain Books

CreateForLess -- Clearance Section

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VIA: Blog - Quick & Simple

LEGO Store - Sales & Deals

LEGO Store - Sales & Deals

Free copy of What to Expect the First Year book

Free copy of What to Expect the First Year book

S&S Worldwide has Overstock Bargains + Free Shipping or Extra 20% off (including Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas)

S&S Worldwide has Overstock Bargains + Free Shipping or Extra 20% off (including Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) Home & Garden 4-for-3 Offer Home & Garden 4-for-3 Offer

Kelly's Pic of This Morning's Eclipse

Austin Police Kill Man Suspected Of Cutting Child -

Austin Police Kill Man Suspected Of Cutting Child
Girl's Mother Says Ex Slit 3-Year-Old's Throat IN Front Of Her
Man Raised Knife To Police Before They Shot

(AP) AUSTIN Austin police say they shot and killed a man suspected of slitting a 3-year-old girl's throat in front of her mother moments before they arrived.

The child is listed in critical condition at Dell Children's Medical Center in Austin.

The shooting happened Monday afternoon at the University Canyon Apartments in southeastern Austin. Officers answering a report of a stabbing entered an apartment to find a handcuffed woman covered in blood, holding the bleeding child.

Police Chief Art Acevedo said the woman gestured toward the man, who was her ex-boyfriend. He charged the officers with a knife before the officers shot him dead.

The officer who fired the shots has been placed on administrative leave pending a review.

Acevedo said the suspect was not the father of the child. No identities have been - Austin Police Kill Man Suspected Of Cutting Child

If they had the chance, they should have slit this scumbag's throat in front of his mother. There's some sick, sick, sick people in this world. Hell-yeah to the Austin PD for culling this guy before he got a chance to sit in the pen for the rest of his life while we paid for his three meals a day.

Marie Callender Pies On Recall List -

Company Finds Bacteria In Some Pies Sold At Kroger

(AP) American Pie is recalling 1,440 cases of Marie Callender Turtle Pies because of elevated amounts of bacteria.

The pies were sold in Pennsylvania and 15 other states.

The company says the pies were on hold due to a bacterial count that was higher than company standard -- then they were accidentally shipped from a warehouse.

None of the bacteria are pathogens, but the company warns that eating the pies could lead to gastrointestinal illness, nausea, or vomiting. No illnesses have been reported.

The pies were sold in Kroger, Giant Eagle and Hy-Vee supermarkets in 15 states. They were sold in: Virginia, Ohio, Texas, West Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Maryland, Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota.

The recalled pies have a UPC code of 12781 10280 and a production code ending in 143. Only pies with production codes ending in 143 on the package are included in the recall. - Marie Callender Pies On Recall List Prada Women's Nylon Shoulder Bag

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Did someone actually pay $1100 for this? Maximum I'd pay for something that looks like this: About $2.00 at a garage sale. Meguiar's Classic Wash & Wax Kit: Automotive $19.99

Meguiar's Classic Wash & Wax Kit
List Price: $35.93
Price: $19.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details
You Save: $15.94 (44%) Meguiar's Classic Wash & Wax Kit: Automotive

$25 off $50 @ SmartBargains If You Use Paypal To Checkout

SmartBargains: Back to School

Kitchen and Home Labor Day Sale

Where you can buy this if you're really, really rich and really, really lazy or if you really, really want to scare the crap out of your cats:

CatGenie-Self Washing, Self Flushing Cat Box
Other products by CatGenie
List Price: $329.99
Price: $264.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
You Save: $65.00 (20%)

Kitchen and Home Labor Day Sale

Monday, August 27, 2007

You Can Tell How Fresh the Bread is By the Color of the Twist or Plastic Tab Used to Hold it Closed - Only If Your Name Is Rainman

After five years of this hanging on my fridge, I finally took it down the other day. I think I looked at it once before I went to the grocery store. By the time I got to the store, I couldn't remember what day was what color, but I do remember that most of the bread ties were brown or orange and that wasn't an option - now I know why - each bread company has its own color code. I just need to figure out Walmart's color code because that's just about the only kind I buy because it's the cheapest.

You Can Tell How Fresh the Bread is By the Color of the Twist or Plastic Tab Used to Hold it Closed-Truth!

Summary of the eRumor:
This email says that if you want to know how fresh the bread is in your grocery store, look at the tie that is holding the wrapper closed. Bread is delivered five days a week, Monday Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and the bread maker puts a different colored tie on to designate which day of the week the bread was baked:

Monday - Blue
Tuesday - Green
Thursday - Red
Friday - White
Saturday - Yellow

The Truth:
According to the grocery store manager we checked with, this is true, but each bread company uses its own color code, so there isn't just one that will apply to everything on the shelf.


19 Troubling Toddler Symptoms

Symptom Guide (12-24 months)
Find out what's ailing your child

BabyCenter -- Toddler Symptom Guide

Piranha on Steroids?

Got this in an email from Tim. If it's true, it's one of the many reasons I prefer to swim in a cement pond.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Naked Man Arrested In Dallas Court Building

The question is: Why????

Naked Man Arrested In Dallas Court Building

(AP) DALLAS A man stripped naked inside a Dallas County courthouse and tried to grab a weapon from an officer who attempted to subdue him, officials said.

A receptionist saw the 33-year-old man taking off his clothes on the 11th floor of the court building near the district attorney's office on Thursday, authorities reported. She called for help, and a prosecutor chased the man into a stairwell.

An officer was trying to help the prosecutor when the man placed his hand on the officer's weapon, officials said.

The man faces a charge of trying to take a weapon from a peace officer. - Naked Man Arrested In Dallas Court Building

Japanese Honeymoon

A young Japanese couple gets married. She's a virgin. Truth be told, he
is a virgin too, but she doesn't know that. On their wedding night, she
cowers naked under the sheets as her husband undresses in the darkness.

He climbs into bed next to her and tries to be reassuring. "My darring,"
he whispers, "I know dis your firss time and you berry frighten. I
pomise you, I give you anyting you want, I do anyting - juss anyting you
want. You juss ask... so... whatchu want?" he says, trying to sound
experienced and worldly, which he hopes will impress her.

A thoughtful silence follows and he waits patiently (and eagerly) for
her request. She eventually shyly whispers back, "I want to try something
I have heard from other girls... Numbaa 69."

More thoughtful silence, this time from him. Eventually, in a puzzled
tone he asks her...

"You want... Garlic Chicken with steam vegetable?"