Monday, April 28, 2008

Loco, Loco, Loco

Well, got a call from the vet this morning after I dropped Loco off. They did a blood analysis, test, whatever you want to call it and Loco's kidneys are bad. Something was at 27 in February and now it's at 65. The normal of something else is 2.4 and his is at 7.9 Needless to say, they didn't do the surgery on him. I went back and forth in my head about what to do...put him to sleep or bring him home for a while. Since he doesn't appear to be in any pain, I brought him home. I've bawled all morning. I am a bawlbag that loves her cat.


Gross|Photo said...

So sad and difficult to part with a family member. Remember the "Rainbow Bridge". That's where you'll meet all the pets you grieved over in your lifetime. You gotta believe...More people understand then you know..

Half-Redneck said...

Thank you, Sam. You made me feel better.

Gross|Photo said...

You are so welcome. Good luck with whatever your decision....Thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

This is the most precious cat I have ever known. It makes me cry every time I think about him or look at his pictures. MJM

Half-Redneck said...

Thanks, MJM. He is the most precious cat I have ever known too. He turned a lot of non-cat-likers into cat lovers, including Big Daddy. Well, that might not be true. Big Daddy only likes him - ha! Loco has been doing great today. He ate a lot more than usual and got around more. We took him outside and he ate some grass & walked around the house doing a perimeter check! We're kind of scared his paw is going to fall off before his kidneys actually fail. I told my mom I guess I could get a bucket and strap it around his paw in case pieces start falling off. If I don't laugh, I'll cry.

Thanks for your comments. And Sam, I had never heard of the Rainbow Bridge. I looked it up last night and it made me bawl like a baby. Thank you so much for thinking of us.