Thursday, August 7, 2008

Three Stuffed Puppies Need A Home

5 Minutes For Mom is having an unusual giveaway. They have three life-sized stuffed dogs to give away to one person - you can keep one and give two away to others or keep all three.

You can buy these dogs here if you're not selected. They're cheap enough for their size - anywhere from $30 to $50.

I would love to have the Pointer. And I'd give one of the other two to my niece who just had a baby boy. And give the third one to a well-deserving single mother who is a great friend of mine.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Crazy Sprinkler Lady


We have got to ask ourselves, what the hell is this lady smoking? Is she smoking the cra-yack?

It reminds me of something my mom told me about a month ago. She set her sprinkler out in her front yard and she went outside to turn it off after a while, and there was this crazy lady dancing around in her sprinkler. Mom kind of hid behind the bushes until the crazy lady went dancing and giggling on down the street probably with thoughts of candy-coated crack pipes swimming around in her head. Not my mom but the crazy lady. You understood that though, right?