Helpful, informative, funny (to me anyway), useful articles, videos. And occasionally you will be bored to tears with thoughts that sometimes keep me up at night...or not.
This may be a bit strange, but I found your blog about your cat, Loco, when he was sick. I was googling "cat can't lift head" because that's the thing with my cat right now :-/ I took her to the vet today, but the vet didn't know what was wrong with her. Right now she's mostly just lying still because her chin is just like it "stuck" to her chest. It's like there is a spring holding her head down like that.
I wanted to ask you if your cat got better? I can't find any follow-up posts about him. My cat is alot younger though, she's only 3 and a half years old.
I'm taking her to the vet again tomorrow morning for a blood analysis, but today the vet vas totally clueless on what might be her problem. She can't eat or drink by herself now, because her head is stuck down like this.
Please reply, I would very very much appreciate if you'd reply to me, either here or by e-mail, ingaebba at gmail.comn
I sincerely hope that your Loco has gotten better by now.
This may be a bit strange, but I found your blog about your cat, Loco, when he was sick. I was googling "cat can't lift head" because that's the thing with my cat right now :-/ I took her to the vet today, but the vet didn't know what was wrong with her. Right now she's mostly just lying still because her chin is just like it "stuck" to her chest. It's like there is a spring holding her head down like that.
I wanted to ask you if your cat got better? I can't find any follow-up posts about him. My cat is alot younger though, she's only 3 and a half years old.
I'm taking her to the vet again tomorrow morning for a blood analysis, but today the vet vas totally clueless on what might be her problem. She can't eat or drink by herself now, because her head is stuck down like this.
Please reply, I would very very much appreciate if you'd reply to me, either here or by e-mail, ingaebba at gmail.comn
I sincerely hope that your Loco has gotten better by now.
Best regards, Inga.
I put a small typing error in my e-mail there, of course it's and not gmail.comn
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