Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The "crabby old man" who died with an inspirational poem in his pocket-Fiction!

Why anyone would change the name of a poem, email it to everyone in their address book, concoct a story behind it, and then change the name of the author to anonymous is absolutely ludicrous to me. In fact, it downright pisses me off.

From this day forward, I promise I will do everything in my power to see that every article I post here gives the original author their just rewards.

To the asshole that started this chain of lies, up yours.

To Mr. David Griffith, I hope some day you get the recognition you deserve. It truly is a wonderful, heart-wrenching poem, no matter what the title of it is.

The "crabby old man" who died with an inspirational poem in his pocket-Fiction!

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