Monday, November 19, 2007

Strange Driving Laws

From Simply Dumb:

Sometimes laws remain on the books in perpetuity because they are so intrinsically logical and important that they simply must be law. For example, it is legally mandated that we must drive on the right side of the road and not be intoxicated when behind the wheel. Without these ordering laws, people like Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan might be running the streets.

Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but some traffic laws are really important.

The folks over at, however, have collected together some of the most bizarre traffic laws that are still on the books. Some of these just sound like common sense, but given idiots like these, maybe they really are important. For instance, in Alabama it is illegal to drive while blindfolded. Seems obvious, but then I could see this having some important functions. Not so sure about this one from Connecticut however: Apparently it is illegal at any time of the year to hunt from cars. That’s right, hunt. Are people in Connecticut so lazy that they can’t get out of their cars to shoot their prey?

Anyway, check out these and more here.

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