Monday, December 10, 2007

Wow - Some People Actually Do Read My Blog

I feel almost famous - okay, I guess the feeling that I feel right now is flattered. I'm flattered that this person took time out of their day to email me. Looky here:

Hello Shelly,

Thank you for your compliments to our note pad product line from Anne
Taintor Inc, which I discovered courtesy of Google Alerts (pasted below).

Since you asked, Anne Taintor is a self-trained, Harvard educated artist
whose products now bring smiles to vintage humor and kitsch lovers
worldwide. You can see Anne's full bio here

And since you are "a dreamer", according to your blog bio, I wonder if you
are aware of the products that feature the I Dreamed My Whole House Was
Clean tagline? We think we've recently found the real life model who
appears in this photograph. We'll be posting a feature about her in the AT
Moments/Meet the Models section of our web site early in the new year.


Check out this magnet they sent me a picture of .

How odd, because I dream this every night...that my house was clean.

Sometimes I even put my finger on my nose and move it from side to side and then blink like I Dream of Jeanie - but when I open my eyes, my house is still not clean. That's when I realize that I have no super powers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that glamourous 40's look too.