Friday, November 30, 2007

America's Psychic Challenge

I have to admit that I have become obsessed with watching this show. I love it. Stuff like this freaks me out a little.

The final was on tonight between Jackie and Michelle. Supposedly Jackie practices with the dark arts and Michelle practices with the light. Jackie is a voodooist. Is that considered dark arts? She said that voodoo means "one with God". How can that be dark arts? If she were to win, she would give the money to help restore the city of New Orleans, particularly, the animal shelters there. I enjoyed watching her work. She freaked a lot of people out, including myself at times. But she was right on the money on almost every challenge they gave her. I don't know why, but I love her.

I won't spoil the ending for you. Just watch the show. I don't know when the new season starts. Can't wait.

America's Psychic Challenge

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